Bagmati Province, Computer Operator 2077/11/12


Province Public Service Commission
Bagmati Region
Fifth Level, Open Competitive Written Examination for the Post of Computer Operator 
Exam Date: 2077/11/12
Subject: Computer Related  
Key(D)                               Mark: 50

1. Which of the following is not associated with a spelling dialog box in MS Excel?
a. Replace
b. Ignore once
c. Ignore all
d. Change
2. Which of the following is an absolute cell reference?
a. $A$1
b. #A$1
c. &A1$
d. #A1#
3. Which function is used to calculate the monthly mortgage payment?
a. PMT
c. PV
4. Database is generally__
a. System-centered
b. User-centered
c. Company-centered
d. Data-centered
5. Which of the following is not involved in DBMS?
a. End users
b. Data
c. Application request
6. Primary key field of a table included in another is called__
a. Surrogate key
b. Compound key
c. Foreign key
d. Composite key
7. COMMIT and ROLLBACK command are___control commands.
a. Data access
b. Transaction
c. Table
d. File
8. In Relational Model, Attributes are called
a. Rows
b. Columns
c. Table
d. Relation
9. The slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is called__
a. Title slide
b. Bullet slide
c. Table slide
d. Graph slide
10. The effect applied to display when slide change in the slide show view is__
a. Custom animation
b. Side transaction
c. Slide animation
d. Slide movement
11. Animation can be applied on
a. Slide
b. Objects
c. Views
d. Designs
12. Which program is used by web clients to view the pages:
a. Web browser
b. Protocol
c. Web server
d. Search engine
13. Relative URLs are used to:
a. Links other pages within the same site
b. Link the same page with other sites
c. Link other pages with other sites
d. Does not link
14. Which of the following statement is false?
a. Develop a website without using PHP
b. Develop a website without using HTML
c. Develop a website without using CSS
d. Develop a website without using JavaScript
15. ___are used for solving complex applications such as Global Weather Forecasting.
a. Super computers
b. Public computers
c. Mobile computers
d. Hybrid computers
16. Which of the following is the vision of the IT Policy of Nepal, 2072?
a. To transform Nepal into an information and knowledge based society and ceremony
b. To create conditions for the intensified development and growth of the ICT sector
c. To empower and facilitate Nepal's participation in the Global Knowledge Society
d. All of the above
17. Who is the credited with the idea of using punch cards to control patterns in a weaving machine?
a. Ada Lovelace
b. Hollerith
c. Charles Babbage
d. Jacquard
18. The speed of CPU is measured in:
a. Mbps
b. GHz
c. Micro second
d. Mbytes
19. Where is Firmware stored?
a. RAM
b. Cache
c. ROM
d. Hard disk
20. The human-readable version of a program is called___
a. Instruction set
b. Object code
c. Source code
d. Software
21. Which of the following is a low-level language?
a. Natural language
c. Machine language
22. An__is a set of process and procedure that transform data into information and knowledge.
a. Database system
b. Knowledge system
c. Information system
d. Computer system
23. The binary equivalent of the decimal number 11 is__
a. 0010        
b. 10
c. 1011
d. 010
24. __is a topology for a Local Area Network in which all nodes are connected to backbone cable
a. Star topology
b. Bus topology
c. Network topology
d. Mesh topology
25. Which programs runs first after booting the computer and loading GUI?
a. Desktop manager
b. File manager
c. Windows Explorer
d. Authentication
26. Which command is used to copy the hidden system files of DOS to another disk?
a. Copy
b. Sys
c. Disk copy
d. Ren
27. If a process fails, most operating system writes the error information to a___?
a. Log file
b. Another running process
c. New file
d. None of the mentioned
28. Which command is used to recreate the disk's tracks and sectors?
29. The OS managers?
a. I/O devices
b. Memory
c. Processes
d. All of the above
30. Which is the shortcut key to split the table?
a. Ctrl + Alt + Enter
b. Ctrl + Shift + Enter
c. Alt + Shift + Enter
d. Alt + Space + Enter
31. What is the function of Ctrl + E?
a. Exit application
b. Align center
c. Select all
d. Clear all
32. The feature of MS Word that combines a set of database records with a main document is__
a. Thesaurus 
b. Mail merge
c. Auto correct
d. Word wrap
33. Change the__to create a document in wide format.
a. Page margin
b. Page orientation
c. Paper style
d. Page layout
34. To monitor all document changes, we use__
a. Edit 
b. Monitor change
c. Track change
d. Navigator
35. Which keystroke combination is used to run a spelling and grammar check?
a. Alt + F7
b. Ctrl + F2
c. Shift + F5
d. F7
36. Footnotes usually appear__in MS Word?
a. At the top of the page
b. At the bottom of the page
c. At the end of the document
d. At the end of the section
37. What keystroke combination is used to open an existing document?
a. Alt + C
b. Ctrl + N
c. Shift + W
d. Ctrl + O
38. In which view Header and Footer are available?
a. Normal view
b. Page layout view
c. Print layout view
d. Draft view
39. Which feature is used to create newspaper like document?
a. Tab stops
b. Bullet and numbering
c. Columns
d. Tables
40. The cell reference M$4 is a__
a. Relative cell reference
b. Absolute cell reference
c. Mixed cell reference
d. None of the above
41. Getting data from a cell located in different sheet is called__
a. Accessing
b. Referencing
c. Updating
d. Functioning
42. When applying conditional formatting, we can check conditions against__
a. Cell value
b. Formula
c. Formatting
d. All of the above
43. To create an interactive Pivot Table for the Web, we use a MS Office web component known as
a. Pivot table list
b. Pivot table report
d. Pivot table field list
44. The function to convert row data to column and/or vice versa is__
a. Convert
b. Index
c. Data
d. Transpose

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