Lumbini Province, Asst. Computer Operator 2081/03/15


प्रदेश लोक सेवा आयोग
लुम्बिनी प्रदेश
स्थानीय तह अन्तर्गत विविध सेवा, सहायकस्तर चौथो तह (प्राविधिक) सहायक कम्प्युटर अपरेटर पदको प्रतियाेगितात्मक लिखित परिक्षा
मिति: २०८१/०/१५ गते

समय: ४५ मिनेट       विषय: सेवा सम्बन्धी     पूर्णाङ्क: १००
वस्तुगत बहुउत्तर: ५० प्रश्न x २ अङ्क = १००  
उत्तरपुस्तिकामा प्रश्नपत्रको KEY अनिवार्य रुपले उल्लेख गर्नुपर्नेछ । उल्लेख नगरेमा उत्तरपुस्तिका रद्ध हुनेछ । परीक्षामा Mobile, Calculator आदिको  प्रयोग गर्न पाइनेछैन् ।

1. Firewall examines each___that are entering or leaving the internal network.
a. Email users
b. Updates
c. Connections
d. Data packets
2. ____is a network device which is used to forward data packets between devices within the network, sending packets directly to the intended device rather than broadcasting.
a. Router
b. Switch
c. Hub
d. Gateway
3. IP address version 4 has how many bits?
a. 16 bits
b. 32 bits
c. 64 bits
d. 128 bits
4. MAC address is also called
a. Physical address
b. Logical address
c. Source address
d. Destination address
5. A client of the DNS(Domain Name System) application is referred to as____
a. DNS server
b. DNS repeater
c. DNS resolver
d. DNS inquirer
6. LAN stands for___
a. Local Area Net
b. Local Access Net
c. Local Area Network
d. Local Access Network
7. In Wi-Fi Security, which of the following protocol is more used?
a. WPA
b. WPA2
c. WPS
d. WPS2
8. Which of the following malware type does not clone or replicate itself through infection?
a. Viruses
b. Worms
c. Rootkits
d. Trojans
9. Which of the following does NOT come under Social Engineering?
a. Tailgating
b. Phising
c. Pretexting
d. Spamming
10. Palm scan, fingerprint scan, and iris scan are form of:
a. Strong authentication
b. Two-factor authentication
c. Biometric authentication
d. Single sign-on
11. A firewall protects which of the following attacks?
a. Phising
b. Dumpster diving
c. Denial of Services(DoS)
d. Shoulder surfing
12. When was Digital Nepal Framework Issued by government?
a. 2075 B.S
b. 2076 B.S
c. 2077 B.S
d. 2078 B.S
13. Which of the following can NOT be achieved by the digital signature in symmetric key encryption?
a. Message authentication
b. Data integrity
c. Non-repudiation
d. Security of the message
14. According to Electronic Transaction Act, 2063 a system that creates a secured key-pair consisting of a private key creating a digital signature and a public key to verify the digital signature is called:
a. Symmetric Crypto System
b. Asymmetric Crypto System
c. Originator
d. Key Generator
15. पत्रको माध्यमबाट एक कार्यालयबाट अर्को कार्यालयमा विभिन्न बिषयको सन्दर्भमा जानकारीका लागि सम्पर्क गर्ने कृयाकलापलाई के भनिन्छ ?
a. परिपत्र
b. तोक आदेश
c. पत्र व्यवहार
d. दर्ता चलानी
16. मातहतका सबै कार्यालयलाई एकै बिषयको जानकारी लिखित रुपमा दिनुलाई_____भनिन्छ ?
a. पत्र
b. आदेश
c. परिपत्र
d. जानकारी
17. नेपालको संविधानमा व्यवस्था भए बमोजिम नेपाल सरकारको प्रादेशिक बजेट कहिले प्रस्तुत गर्ने प्रावधान रहेको छ ?
a. जेठ १५
b. असार १
c. असार १०
d. साउन १
18. नागरिक बडापत्रको सुरुवात कहिलेबाट भएको हो ?
a. सन् १९८०
b. सन् १९८५
c. सन् १९९१
d. सन् १९९५
19. निजामति सेवा ऐन, २०४९ अनुसार तलका मध्ये कुन अवस्थामा निजामती कर्मचारीलाई नसिहत दिने विभागीय सजाय हुन सक्ने व्यवस्था रहेको छ ?
a. अनुशासनहीन काम गरेमा
b. प्रचलित कानून बमोजिम पेश्की फछर्यौट नगरेमा
c. पूर्व स्वीकृति नलिई बराबर कार्यालयमा अनुपस्थित रहेमा
d. प्रचलित कानून बमोजिम बरबुझारथ नगरेमा
20. A Computer is said to have 2048K memory. What does the letter K stand for?
a. Kilobits
b. Kilobytes
c. Kilo gigs
d. Kilo storage
21. The correct order of the major functions of the computer is:
a. Input-Storage-Output-Process
b. Input-Output-Process-Storage
c. Input-Process-Output-Storage
d. Input-Storage-Process-Output
22. ___is the interpreted programming language.
a. C
b. C++
c. Java
d. Python
23. Two or three characters appended to a filename separated by a period is called a/an___
a. Status
b. Identifier
c. Extension
d. Descriptor
24. Which of the following coding standards provides a unique number for every character of all the language?
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
25. Which DOS command divides the blank disk surface into sectors and assigns a unique address to each one?
a. VER
c. FAT
d. DEL
26. The category of operating system that you most likely have running on your PDA computer is known as___
a. Real time
b. Single user, single task
c. Single user, multitask
d. Multiuser, Mult-Task
27. ____is the function of operating system.
a. Role management
b. User management
c. Data management
d. Process management
28. Which of the following is a part of operating system?
a. Cell
b. FAT
c. Kernel
d. Disk
29. Which of the following operating system doesn't support multiple programs at a time?
30. Which of the following is not a font style?
a. Italics
b. Bold
c. Superscript
d. Regular
31. How many margins are there on a page?
a. Two (Header and Footer)
b. Four (Top, Bottom, Left and Right)
c. Five ( Top, Bottom, Left, Right and Gutter)
d. Four (Center, Top, Gutter and Header)
32. How can you insert formatted table in MS Word?
a. Insert Table
b. Draw Table
c. Excel Spreadsheet
d. Quick Tables
33. What does EXT indicator on status bar of MS-Word indicate?
a. It indicates whether external text is pasted on document or not
b. It indicates whether extended add-ons are installed on MS-Word or not
c. It indicates whether extended selection mode is turned on or not
d. None of the above
34. If you want to keep track of different editions of a document which feature will you use?
a. Editions
b. Versions
c. Track change
d. Revisions
35. Which is invalid document type in mail merge process in MS Word?
a. Letter
b. Email
c. Envelop
d. Dictionary
36. Which key is used to spell check and grammar check in a document?
a. F7
b. Alt + F7
c. Ctrl + F7
d. Shift + F7
37. To protect a worksheet, you can choose 'Protection' and the protect sheet from____menu.
a. Edit
b. Data
c. Format
d. Tools
38. What is integer value of 5/4+7*0.5+A1 were A1=1.75?
a. 5.75
b. 6
c. 6.5
d. 6.75
39. The shortcut key of toggle filter in MS Excel is:
a. Alt + Ctrl + L
b. Ctrl + Shift + L
c. Ctrl + L
d. Shift + L
40. What is the purpose of the TRANSPOSE function in Excel?
a. Changes the case of text in a range
b. Swaps the rows and columns of a range
c. Converts a number of text
d. Rounds a number to the nearest integer
41. Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula using___
a. Complex formula
b. Relative formula
c. Absolute formula
d. Array formula
42. How can you break long text into many lines within a cell?
a. 'Wrap text' in Format>cells
b. 'Jusitfy' in Edit>cells
c. 'Text Wrapping' in Format>cells
d. 'Alter Text' in Format>cells
43. The shortcut key to display default chart for the selected range of data in a separate chart sheet is:
a. F11
b. Alt + F1
c. Ctrl + F1
d. Both A and B
44. Microsoft Access belongs to___
a. Relational Database Model
b. Object Oriented Database Model
c. Object Relational Database Model
d. Network Database Model
45. Which data type in MS Access stores the binary data?
a. Hyperlink
b. Lookup Wizard
c. OLE Object
d. Memo
46. A key(fields) which is made up of two or more fields to uniquely identify records is known as___
a. Primary key
b. Foreign key
c. Composite key
d. Password key
47. The handout master contains placeholders for all of the following except___
a. Slide number
b. Title
c. Footer
d. Header
48. ___is visual effects that occur when moving from one slide to another during a presentation.
a. Slide animations
b. Preset animations
c. Slide transitions
d. Custom animations
49. The arrangement of elements such as Title and subtitle Text, Picture, Tables etc. called:
a. Layout
b. Presentation
c. Design 
d. Scheme
50. Select the most common internet Protocol?
d. NetBEUI

-The End-

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