PSC Computer Operator 2076/04/20


लोक सेवा आयोग
स्थानीय तह à¤…न्र्तगत प्राविधिक विविध सेवा, पाचाैँ तह, कम्प्युटर अपरेटर पदकाे प्रतियाेगितात्मक लिखित परिक्षा 
मितिः २०७६/०४/२०
विषय ः सेवा सम्बन्धी
समयः ४५  मिनेट                       à¤ªूर्णाङ्कः ५०
वस्तुगत à¤¬à¤¹ुउत्तर (५०x१=५०)

1. Addition of items on taskbar is done using
a. Right click on item>>pin item on taskbar
b. Right click on item>>add item on taskbar
c. Right click on item>>send item on taskbar
d. None of the above
2. The word processing features that makes the correction while you type is___
a. Auto correct
b. Auto format
c. Auto text
d. All of the above
3. Thesaurus tool in MS Word is used for
a. Spelling suggestions
b. Grammar options
c. Synonyms and antonyms word
d. All of the above
4. In which view Header and Footers are visible
a. Normal view
b. Page layout view
c. Print layout view
d. Draft view
5. What do you call a faint image that you add to the background of a document of a document report?
a. Watermark
b. Style
c. Background image
d. Gutter
6. Word wrap features___
a. Set text inside the fixed margin
b. Appears at the bottom of the document
c. Mark the paragraph center
d. None of the above
7. A4 size paper is:
a. 8.5x11 inches
b. 8.5x11.5 inches
c. 8.27x11.69 inches
d. 8.5x14 inches
8. Shortcut key to collapse the ribbon so that only the tab names show
a. Ctrl + F1
b. Ctrl + F2
c. Ctrl + F11
d. Ctrl + F12
9. To stack your open windows so you can see all of them at once, you use?
a. Switch windows
b. Split
c. New windows
d. Arrange all
10. Which of the following is not available in font spacing?
a. Normal
b. Condensed
c. Compact
d. Expanded
11. To create copyright symbol use:
a. Ctrl + Shift + C
b. Ctrl + Alt + C
c. Ctrl + C
d. Shift + C
12. What function is used to convert row data into column or column data into row?
a. Convert
b. Index
c. Transpose
d. Data
13. Which function can be used to calculate the monthly mortgage payment?
a. PMT
c. PV
14. How do you rearrange the data in ascending or descending order?
a. Data, Sort
b. Data, Form
c. Data, Table
d. Data Subtotal
15. Which of the following is not the correct method of editing the cell content?
a. Press the Alt key
b. Press the F2 key
c. Click the formula bar
d. Double click the cell
16. Selecting the row 5 and 6 then choose insert>Row. What will happen?
a. 2 rows will be inserted after row 4
b. 2 rows will be inserted after row 5
c. 2 rows will be inserted after row 6
d. 2 rows will be inserted after row 7
17. You have written a formula=A5+B7 at A4 cell. What will be your formula  if you copy this formula to B5 cell.
a. =A6 + B8
b. =B6 + C7
c. =B6 + A8
d. =B6 + C8
18. To return the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor in Excel we use the function
a. Round( )
b. Fact( )
c. Mod( )
d. Div( )
19. In Excel, a data series is defined as what?
a. A type of chart
b. A cell reference
c. A collection of related data
d. A division of result
20. Maximum number of decimal places you can put in MS-Excel?
a. 30
b. 32
c. 16
d. 8
21. Not a text alignment direction in MS Excel cells
a. Left to right
b. Right to left
c. Context
d. Fill
22. What degrees of text alignment orientation is possible in MS Excel cells?
a. 0o to 90o
b. -90o to 0o
c. -90o to 90o
d. 0o to 180o
23. Relationship in a database is maintained through:
a. Tables
b. Keys
c. Indexes
d. Views
24. Which one is not correct?
a. Primary key does not allow duplicate entry
b. Primary key does not accept null value
c. Primary key is essential for relationship
d. Primary key must be numeric field only
25. In MS Access technique to speed up data retrieval?
a. Indexing
b. Referencing
c. Speeding
d. Listing
26. What do you mean by one to many relationship between class and student table?
a. One class may have many students
b. One student can have many classes
c. Many classes may have many students
d. Many students may have many classes
27. Which of the following database objects asks a question of information in a database and then display the result?
a. Table
b. Reports
c. Queries
d. Forms
28. Which of the following is not a selection technique?
a. To select a word, double click the word
b. To select an entire table, click the empty box to left of the field names
c. To select a row, click the records selector box to the left the row
d. To select a column, double click anywhere in the column
29. What is the shortcut key to start presentation from current slide?
a. F5
b. Alt + F5
c. Ctrl + F5
d. Shift + F5
30. Special effects use to introduce slides in presentation are called
a. Transition
b. Custom animation
c. Setup show
d. Action button
31. What is the full form of HTML?
a. Hyper Text Markup Language
b. Hyper Teach Markup Language
c. Hyper Tech Markup Language
d. Hyper Text Marquee Language
32. Which of the following is the correct HTML code for creating hyperlinks?
a. <a></a>
b. <a name=>Public Service Commission</a>
c. <a url=>Public Service Commission</a>
d. <a href=>Public Service Commission</a>
33. As per the Local Government Operation Act, how many population should be there be to become metropolitan city?
a. At least 1 lakhs permanent residents
b. At least 2 lakhs permanent residents
c. At least 5 lakhs permanent residents
d. At least 7 lakhs permanent residents
34. How many parts are there in the constitution of Nepal?
a. 5
b. 15
c. 35
d. 45
35. Current ICT Policy in Nepal is of
a. 2070
b. 2071
c. 2072
d. 2073
36. Not a way for transmitting data from one place to another using computer
a. Full duplex
b. Half duplex
c. Multiplex
d. Simplex
37. Which is true about Unicode?
a. Universal character encoding
b. Universal code encoding
c. Unique character encoding
d. Unique code encoding
38. Which one of the following is the fastest memory?
a. Register
b. Cache
c. RAM
d. ROM
39. The firmware of a computer is typically stored in
a. Cache 
b. Hard disk
c. RAM
d. ROM
40. __is an example of sequential access device
a. Processor
b. Hard disk
c. RAM
d. Cache
41. What is the size of source and destination of IP address in IP address?
a. 4 bits
b. 8 bits
c. 12 bits
d. 32 bits
42. VIRUS stands for
a. Very important resource under search
b. Vital information resource underseige
c. Verify interchange can be source
d. Very important record under searched
43. Which of the following can be software?
a. Router
b. Firewall
c. Gateway
d. Modem
44. The track on a disk which can be accessed without re-positioning the R/W head is
a. Surface
b. Cylinder
c. Cluster
d. Head
45. Which part interprets program instruction and initiate control operation
a. Input
b. Storage unit
c. Logic unit
d. Control unit
46. What does the disk drive of the computer do?
a. Read the disk
b. Load the program form the disk to the memory
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
47. An input device that converts data punched into paper table into a binary format is
a. Page reader
b. Card punch
c. Paper tape punch
d. Paper tape reader
48. Recently deleted files are:
a. Stored in recycle bin
b. Stored in desktop
c. Deleted permanently
d. Stored in my computer
49. Which DOS command allows you to compress existing disks and to create new compressed volumes?
50. Which of the following is program group?
a. Accessories
b. Paint
c. Word
d. All of the above

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