Lumbini Province, Computer Operator 2081/01/19


प्रदेश लोक सेवा आयोग
लुम्बिनी प्रदेश
स्थानीय तह अन्तर्गत विविध सेवा, सहायकस्तर पाँचौ तह (प्राविधिक) कम्प्युटर अपरेटर पदको प्रतियाेगितात्मक लिखित परिक्षा
मिति: २०८१/०१/१९ गते

समय: ४५ मिनेट       विषय: सेवा सम्बन्धी     पूर्णाङ्क: १००
वस्तुगत बहुउत्तर: ५० प्रश्न x २ अङ्क = १००  
उत्तरपुस्तिकामा प्रश्नपत्रको KEY अनिवार्य रुपले उल्लेख गर्नुपर्नेछ । उल्लेख नगरेमा उत्तरपुस्तिका रद्ध हुनेछ । परीक्षामा Mobile, Calculator आदिको  प्रयोग गर्न पाइनेछैन् ।

1. Which of the following is not a valid page margin type?
a. Right
b. Left
c. Center
d. Top
2. Decreasing the space between characters is termed as____
a. Kerning
b. Expanded
c. Condensed
d. Scale
3. Which of the following key combination breaks the column from insertion point and starts a new column immediately?
a. Ctrl + Shift + Enter
b. Alt + Shift + Enter
c. Ctrl + Enter
d. Alt + Enter
4. A numeric value can be treated as a label value if ____precedes it.
a. Apostrophe (')
b. Exclamation (!)
c. Hash (#)
d. Tilde (~)
5. What is the default value for step in Fill series dialog box?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 5
d. 10
6. Which feature of Excel helps us to pick just the data that we need based on the parameters set by us?
a. Conditional Formatting
b. IF condition
c. Lookup formulas
d. Filtering
7. What does Edit>Delete command in Excel do?
a. Deletes the content of a cell
b. Deletes format of cell
c. Deletes the comment of cell
d. Deletes selected cells
8. Which function Display current date and time in Excel?
a. Date ()
b. Today ()
c. Now ()
d. Date time Now ()
9. An excel workbook is a collection of_____
a. Charts
b. Worksheets
c. Charts and worksheets
d. Workspace
10. Getting data from a cell located in different sheet is called____
a. Accessing
b. Refering
c. Referencing
d. Updating
11. Which of the following symbol is used for concatenation of text in MS-Excel?
a. Tilde (~)
b. Dollar ($)
c. Underscore (_)
d. Ampersand (&)
12. Cell value in A2 is 12, what will be output of formula "IF(A2<10,5,7)"?
a. 5
b. 7
c. 10
d. 12
13. Which of the following is NOT a feature of DBMS?
a. Minimum Duplication and Redundancy
b. High Level of Security
c. Single-user Access only
d. Support ACID Property
14. Which of the following database object allows to select only certain records in the database to prepare form letter?
a. Table
b. Form
c. Query
d. Report
15. The act of checking input data against specified criteria is known as___
a. Data validation
b. Data verification
c. Cross check
d. Data control
16. Which is invalid query type in MS Access?
a. Select Query
b. Make Table Query
c. Append Query
d. Remove Query
17. What do you call to a primary key field of a table included in another table?
a. Compound Key
b. Composite Key
c. Foreign Key
d. Primary Key
18. Which of the following data type automatically generates consecutive member's?
a. Memo
b. AutoNumber
c. Number
d. Primary Key
19. Which of the following in presentation system allows to change the color of different objects without changing content?
a. Design template
b. Object color
c. Color scheme
d. Font color
20. A PowerPoint feature that allows you to standardize specific visual aspects of your presentation such as fonts, images and themes across all slides like a template is___
a. Notes Master
b. Handout Master
c. Slide Master
d. Notes Page
21. In HTML, each table cell is defined by____
a. <table> tag
b. <tr> tag
c. <th> tag
d. <td> tag
22. In HTML document, an unordered list is created by ____tag.
a. <ul>
b. <ulist>
c. <uolist>
d. <uol>
23. Which schedule in the Constitution of Nepal includes the National Anthem of Nepal?
a. Schedule 1
b. Schedule 2
c. Schedule 3
d. Schedule 4
24. सूचना सञ्चार प्रविधि नीति, २०७२ अनुसार सो नीतिको कार्यान्वयन, अनुगमन तथा मूल्याङ्कन गर्ने दायित्व कसको हुने उल्लेख छ ?
a. सञ्चालक समिति
b. निर्देशक समिति
c. सूचना तथा सञ्चार मन्त्रालय
d. शिक्षा, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि मन्त्रालय
25. A digital signature is a mathematical technique which validates all of the following except___
a. Authenticity
b. Integrity
c. Non-Repudiation
d. Confidentiality
26. Which of the following provides legal base for the use of digital signature in Nepal
a. ICT Policy, 2072
b. Electronic Transaction Act, 2063
c. Ministry of Law
d. Supreme Court
27. Identify the type of machine learning in which well labeled training data is used.
a. Supervised Learning
b. Semi Supervised Learning
c. Unsupervised Learning
d. Reinforcement Learning
28. ____is a social media platform best suited for professional networking and job hunting.
a. Facebook
b. Twitter
c. LinkedIn
d. Snapchat
29. निजामती कर्मचारीलाई कति अवधिसम्म कायम मुकायम मुकरर गर्न सकिन्छ ?
a. बढीमा ३ महिनासम्म
b. बढीमा ६ महिनासम्म
c. बढीमा १ बर्षसम्म
d. जति अवधि सम्म पनि
30. सार्वजनिक खरिद ऐन, २०६३ अनुसार कति मूल्यभन्दा माथिको मालसामान खरिद गर्दा लागत अनुमान तयार तथा स्वीकृत गर्नु पर्दछ ?
a. रु. २५ हजार
b. रु. ५० हजार
c. रु. ७५ हजार
d. रु. १ लाख
31. सामान्यता नागरिक वडापत्र तलकामध्ये कुन कुरा उल्लेख गरिदैन् ।
a. सम्बन्धित कार्यालयले दिने सेवा र त्यसको प्रकृति
b. सम्बन्धित कार्यालयका कर्मचारीको नाम, पद र टेलिफोन नम्बर
c. सेवा प्राप्त गर्न पेश गर्नुपर्ने कागजात
d. सेवा प्रदान गर्न लाग्ने समयावधि
32. वैज्ञानिक व्यवस्थापनको सिद्धान्त (Scientific Management Theory)कसको सिद्धान्त हो ?
a. Fred W. Rigs
b. Max Weber
c. F.W Taylor
d. Elton Mayo
33. सार्वजनिक खरिद अनुगमन कार्यालय कुन निकाय अन्तर्गत पर्दछ ?
a. अर्थ मन्त्रालय
b. महालेखा परीक्षकको कर्यालय
c. संद्यीय मामिला तथा सामान्य प्रशासन मन्त्रालय
d. प्रधानमन्त्री तथा मन्त्रिपरिषद्को कार्यालय
34. Which Computer type is mostly used for automating operations?
a. Analog
b. Digital
c. Hybrid
d. Mechanical
35. Which function is related to the Control Unit of CPU?
a. Arithmetic operations
b. Logical operations
c. Instruction decoding and fetching
d. Storing frequently accessed data and instruction to speed up the CPU
36. Which of the following service allows a user to log in to another computer. Somewhere on the internet
a. Email
b. UseNet
c. Telnet
d. FTP
37. Which of the following is not a security threat?
a. Ethical hacking
b. Phishing
c. SQL injections
d. Social Engineering
38. What is the storage of firmware?
a. RAM
b. ROM
c. Registers
d. Cache memory
39. Which of the following topology comprises of multiple topologies?
a. Hybrid
b. Complex
c. Mesh
d. Ring
40. The range of Hexadecimal number system is___
a. 1 to 16
b. 0 to 16
c. 1 to 9 and A to F
d. 0 to 9 and A to F
41. How many characters/symbols/values are represented by ASCII-7 code?
a. 128
b. 254
c. 256
d. 3200
42. A series of dialogue boxes that provide guidelines and instructions to complete the task is called____
a. Dialog box
b. Task pane
c. Wizard
d. Template
43. Which of the following is not the function of Operating System?
a. Process Management
b. Memory Management
c. Job Scheduling
d. Data Backup and Recovery
44. In windows OS, date and time displays on____
a. Task bar
b. System tray
c. Status bar
d. Launch Pad
45. The default file extension of MS Paint Program is___
a. JPG
c. PSD
d. PNG
46. In H2O, which effect has been applied to the figure 2?
a. Subscript
b. Superscript
c. Lowered
d. Laid down
47. The rest of line of paragraph in MS Word are indented rather than first line is___
a. First line indent
b. Hanging indent
c. Left indent
d. Right indent
48. Which of the following is not a valid paragraph alignment?
a. Left
b. Justified
c. Top
d. Right
49. Which is the best suited definition about gutter margin?
a. Margin that is added to the left margin
b. Margin that is added to the right margin
c. Margin that is added to the binding side of page
d. Margin that is added to the outside of the page
50. What are the default lines to drop in drop cap?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 5

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