Electronic Spreadsheet


Electronic Spreadsheet

Electronic Spreadsheet
An electronic spreadsheet is a grid which interactively manages and organizes data in rows and columns. It allows to link the cells from various worksheets to summarizes data from information. Multiple sheets help to keep the information organized several source. In this manner, we can create formulas using a combination of local and linked.

How MS-Excel is organized
Excel is a spreadsheet program from Microsoft and component of its office product group of business application. Microsoft Excel enables users to format, organize and calculate data in a spreadsheet. In MS-Excel, the columns in a worksheet are labeled with letters ascending alphabetically left to right. The rows are numbered in ascending order from top to bottom. Each cell has a location within the worksheet represented by a letter and a number. These cell references are used by the formulae and function in the worksheets.

Five built in function in MS Excel
Five built in functions in MS Excel
a. SUM: The sum function allows you to calculate the sum of a range of cells. For example, "=SUM(A1:A5)" would add the values in cell A1 through A5 and provide the total.
b. AVERAGE: The AVERAGE function calculates the average value of a range of cells. For instance "=AVERAGE(A1:A5)" would give you the average of the values in cells A1 through A5.
c. VLOOKUP: The VLOOKUP function allows you to search for a value in the left most column of a table and referencing. For example, "=VLOOKUP(A2, B1:D10, 3, FALSE)" would search for the value in cell A2 within the range of B1 to D10 and return the corresponding value the third column.
d. COUNT: The COUNT function counts the number of cells within a specified range that contain numeric values. It can be useful for counting the occurrence of specific data points or determining the number of filled cells in a range. For instance, "=COUNT(A1:A10)" would count the number of cells in the range A1 to A10 that contain numbers.
e. IF: IF function allows you to perform conditional evaluations. If evaluates a given conditions and returns different values based on whether the condition is true or false. This function is handy for creating would check if the value in cell A1 is greater than 10 and return "Yes" if true, or "No" if false.

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