PSC Computer Operator 2075/02/25


लोक सेवा आयोग
नेपाल विविध सेवा, राजपत्र अनंकित प्रथम श्रेणी (प्राविधिक) सहायक कम्प्युटर अपरेटर वा साेसरह पदको प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परिक्षा
मितिः २०७५/०२/२५ गते
विषय ः सेवा सम्बन्धी
समयः ४५  मिनेट                       à¤ªूर्णाङ्कः ५०
वस्तुगत à¤¬à¤¹ुउत्तर (५०x१=५०)

1. In MS Excel to select multiple non-adjacent cells in a worksheet you will click then holding
a. Ctrl key
b. Alt key
c. Shift key
d. Ctrl + shift key
2. Which of the following is an absolute cell reference?
a. $A$1
b. &A1$
c. #A$1
d. #A1#
3. How do you delete the selected rows, column or cells
a. Ctrl+-
b. Ctrl++
c. Alt+-
d. Alt++
4. Red triangle at the top right corner of a cell indicates
a. There is an error in the cell
b. The font color of the text in cell is red
c. There is comment associated with the cell
d. The cell can't accept formula
5. To insert function in excel sheet press___
a. F2
b. F3
c. Shift + F2
d. Shift + F3
6. Tool in MS Excel to combine values from multiple range into a new range is
a. What if analysis
b. Combination
c. Ranging
d. Consolidate
7. Conditional count can be performed using
a. Countiff( )
b. Countif( )
c. Ifcount( )
d. Iffcount( )
8. Invalid formula category in Excel is
a. Cube
b. Graphical
c. Date and time
d. Financial
9. When a formatted number does not fit within a cell, displays?
a. ####
b. #DIV/0
c. #DIV@
d. None of the above
10. Which of the following is the property of primary key?
a. Duplicate
b. Unique
c. Pictorials
d. Limited
11. In MS Access technique to speed up data retrieval
a. Indexing
b. Referencing
c. Speeding
d. Listing
12. Data Definition Language(DDL) includes
a. Creating table
b. Select query
c. Data insert
d. All of the above
13. Which of the following is the default page setup orientation of slides in power point?
a. Vertical 
b. Landscape
c. Portrait
d. None of the above
14. Which of the following presentation elements can you modify using the slide master?
a. Slide comments
b. Slide transitions
c. Speaker note
d. All of the above
15. Background color or effect applied on a document is not visible in
a. Web layout view
b. Print layout view
c. Reading view
d. Print view
16. NTFS is___
a. Internal command
b. External command
c. Disk tool
d. Storage format
17. In which mode windows start with only core drivers and services?
a. Quick mode
b. Normal mode
c. Repair mode
d. Safe mode
18. Which of the following operating system does not implement multitasking truly?
a. Windows 98
b. Windows NT
c. Windows XP
19. How do you delete any content directly without consuming the space of recycle bin?
a. Shift + Delete
b. Ctrl + Delete
c. Ctrl + Shift + Delete
d. None of the above
20. Which of the following parts of the operating system.
a. Cell
b. Fat
c. Kernel
d. Disk
21. The first computer introduced in Nepal was
a. IBM 1400
b. IBM 1401
c. IBM 1402
d. ICL 2950
22. The language that computer can understand and execute is called
a. Machine language
b. System program
c. Application software
d. Compiler
23. The two basic types of record access method are
a. Sequential and random
b. Sequential and indexed
c. Direct and immediate
d. Online and real time
24. ASCII stands for___
a. American Stable Code for International Interchange
b. American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
c. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
d. American Standard Code for Interchange Information
25. Central processing unit is the combination of
a. Control and storage
b. Control and output
c. Arithmetic logic and input unit
d. Arithmetic logic and control unit
26. The BIOS is the abbreviation of__
a. Basic input output system
b. Best input output system
c. Basic input output symbols
d. Base input output system
27. How was the generation of computer classified?
a. By the device used in memory and processor
b. By the speed of computer
c. By the model of computer
d. By the accuracy of the computer
28. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at a time is called__
a. Interpreter
b. Simulator
c. Compiler
d. Commander
29. The term gigabytes refers to
a. 1024 bytes
b. 1024 kilobytes
c. 1024 megabytes
d. 1024 gigabytes
30. The instruction for starting the computer are housed on
a. Random access memory
c. Read only memory chip
d. RAM
31. Which of the following memories has the fastest access time
a. Cache memory
b. Magnetic bubble memory
c. Magnetic core memory
d. RAM
32. As compared to the secondary memory, the primary memory of a computer is 
a. Large
b. Cheap
c. Fast
d. Slow
33. Which of the below IP address would be used for a private network?
34. Distortion in a signal is called__
a. Phase
b. If switch
c. Noise
d. Amplitude
35. The shortcut for print preview in MS Word is
a. Ctrl + A
b. Alt + Ctrl + I
c. Ctrl + J
d. Ctrl + Shift + K
36. What is the shortcut key to open front dialog box?
a. Ctrl + F
b. Alt + Ctrl + F
c. Ctrl + D
d. Ctrl + Shift + D
37. Which of the following lines spacing is invalid?
a. Single
b. Double
c. Triple
d. Multiple
38. What is the shortcut to copy the format from a text?
a. Ctrl + Shift + C
b. Ctrl + Alt + C
c. Shift + Alt + C
d. Alt + Ctrl + F
39. To auto fit the width of the column__
a. Double click the right border of column
b. Double click the left border of column
c. Double click the column header
d. All of the above
40. Where you can change the vertical alignment?
a. Formatting toolbar
b. Paragraph dialog box
c. Page setup dialog box
d. Standard tool bar
41. In word, the mailing list is known as the__
a. Data sheet
b. Source
c. Data source
d. Sheet
42. The key F12 opens a__
a. Save as dialog box
b. Open dialog box
c. Save dialog box
d. Close dialog box
43. Which of the paper size is the largest?
a. A4
b. A3
c. Legel 
d. Letter
44. The shortcut to collapse and expand the ribbon in MS Word is
a. Shift + F1
b. Ctrl + F1
c. Alt + F1
d. Alt + Ctrl + F1
46. The keystroke Ctrl + J is used to
a. Increase font size
b. Inserts a line break
c. Indicate the text should be bold
d. Applies italic format to selected text
47. A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline is known as__
a. Outlined
b. Raised
c. Superscript
d. Subscript
48. What is a legend?
a. Explain the purpose of entire chart
b. Provide text to explain what each visual part of a chart means
c. Explain the title of the chart
d. Explain the axes of the chart
49. To insert new comment in excel sheet press___
a. F2
b. F3
c. Shift + F2
d. Shift + F3
50. In MS Excel, getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called___
a. Accessing
b. Referencing
c. Updating
d. Functioning

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