Civil Servants Hospital, Computer Operator 2080/05/21


लोक सेवा आयोग
निजामती कर्मचारी अस्पताल, प्राविधिक, इन्जिनियरिङ्ग एण्ड मेन्टिनेन्स, कम्प्युटर, पाँचौ, कम्प्युटर टेक्निसियन पदको खुल्ला प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परिक्षा
पत्रः प्रथम
समयः ४५ मिनेट                                       पूर्णाङ्कः १००
                          विषयः Technical Subject
उत्तरपुस्तिकामा प्रश्नपत्रको  KEY अनिवार्य रुपले उल्लेख गर्नुपर्नेछ । उल्लेख नगरेमा उत्तरपुस्तिका रद्द हुनेछ । परिक्षामा  Calculator, mobile प्रयोग गर्न पाइनेछैन ।
Multiple Choice                       50x2=50 Marks
1. Which of the following is the most common internet protocol?
a. PPP
b. FTP
2. A framework of policies and technologies to ensure that the right users have the appropriate access to technology is known as___management.
a. Identity
b. Host based
c. Digital right
d. Lifecycle
3. IDS stands for___
a. Interruption Detection System
b. Intrusion Detection System
c. Invasion Detection System
d. Incident Detection System
4. 2FA stands for___
a. 2 Form Access
b. 2 Factor Access
c. 2 Factor Authentication
d. 2 Form Authentication
5. Which of the following is not a cyber security threat?
a. Malware
b. Man in the middle
c. Denial of service
d. AES
6. Which of the following is not required during requirement engineering?
a. Analysis
b. Elicitation
c. Design
d. Documentation
7. Agile software development model is based on___development.
a. Linear
b. Incremental
c. Iterative
d. Both b and c
8. In software engineering, the term CMM stands for__
a. Capability Maturity Model
b. Computational Maturity Model
c. Competence Maturity Model
d. Capacity Maturity Model
9. RAD stands for__
a. Rigorous Application Development
b. Reliable Application Development
c. Rapid Application Development
d. Realistic Application Development
10. Chairman of NITC is__
a. Minister of Communication and Information Technology
b. Secretary of Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
c. Chief Secretary
d. Deputy Prime Minister
11. One of the goal of ICT Policy, 2072 is "To make___percentage of people digitally literate by 2020".
a. 60
b. 65
c. 75
d. 90
12. Which of the following is not correct goal of ICT Policy, 2072 of Nepal?
a. 75% of Nepal will be digitally literate by 2020
b. 90% of people shall have access to the broadband services of 2020
c. All Nepali will have access to Internet by 2020
d. 90% of government services will be online by 2020
13. As per ITERT Operation and Management Directive, the emergency response team is located in which ministry?
a. Ministry of Home Affairs
b. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
c. Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
d. Ministry of Defense
14. How many characters are represented by ASCII 8?
a. 127
b. 128
c. 255
d. 256
15. The process of producing useful information for the user is called__
a. Controlling
b. Outputting
c. Inputting
d. Processing
16. Which of the following has the fastest access time?
a. SSD
b. RAM
c. ROM
d. CPU Register
17. There are three elements of the communication systems, two are transmitter and receiver, what is the third one?
a. Protocol
b. Channel
c. Space
d. Periphery
18. The term used with memory of computer is DDR4, DDR stands for__
a. Designated Date Rate
b. Defined Data Rate
c. Double Data Rate
d. Dedicated Data Rate
19. HDMI 2.1 version support upto___resolution.
a. HD
b. 4K
c. 8K
d. 16K
20. What are the most common data backup types?
a. Full backup
b. Incremental backup
c. Differential backup
d. All of the above
21. Point out the connector that transmits both audio and video.
a. BNC
c. RJ45
d. DVI
22. Where is BIOS stored?
a. CPU
b. RAM
c. ROM
d. Hard Drive
23. FAT stands for__
a. File Access Table
b. File Allocation Table
c. File Activity Table
d. File Accommodation Table
24. Device driver requires__
a. Register
b. Main Memory
c. Disk
d. Cache
25. To eliminate unnecessary fragments and rearrange files and unused disk space to optimize operations is__
a. Restore
b. Disk Scan
c. Disk Defragmenter
d. Disk Clean-up
26. Which of the following file system is not supported by Windows OS?
a. exFAT
b. FAT32
d. NTFS32
27. What is the number of layers in the OSI model?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 7
d. 9
28. Which of the following is an unreliable and connectionless protocol?
a. TCP
b. UDP
c. FTP
29. In___topology, every node has a dedicated point to point link to all nodes within the network.
a. Star
b. Bus
c. Ring
d. Mesh
30. A network security device that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on security policies is___
a. Access point
b. Router
c. Firewall
d. Controller
31. Which of the following is lowest in memory hierarchy?
a. Secondary memory
b. Registers
c. RAM
d. Cache memory
32. The 8085 microprocessor has address bus of length___
a. 8
b. 12
c. 16
d. 20
33. Wha is used to increase the apparent size of physical memory?
a. Disks
b. Hard Disk
c. Virtual Memory
d. Secondary Memory
34. __is the average time required to reach a storage location in memory and obtains its contents.
a. Latency
b. Turnaround time
c. Response time
d. Access time
35. Which of the following defines the structure of schema of the database?
a. Data Definition Language
b. Data Manipulation Language
c. Data Control Language
d. Data Structuring Language
36. "GROUP BY" statement can be used with___function.
b. SUM
c. AVG
d. All of the above
37. Select the correct order of keywords for SQL SELECT statements.
38. The objective of normalization is to___data duplication.
a. eliminate
b. reduce
c. increase
d. maximize
39. How do you present slideshow from current slide?
a. F5
b. Shift + F5
c. Alt + F5
d. Ctrl  + F5
40. A portion of a document where one can set certain page formatting options as default is__
a. Page Setup
b. Page
c. Paragraph
d. Section
41. Which of the following is the file extension of the PowerPoint application?
a. .ppt
b. .jpg
c. .htm
d. docs
42. In spreadsheet, shortcut key used to Open tab is___
a. Ctrl + S
b. Ctrl + M
c. Ctrl + O
d. Ctrl + T
43. Which symbol is used for absolute cell reference?
a. $
b. %
c. #
d. &
44. Which feature of OOP is exhibited by the function overriding?
a. Polymorphism        
b. Abstraction
c. Inheritance
d. None of the above
45. A pop( ) operation is performed on an empty stack. What is the condition called?
a. Overflow
b. Underflow
c. Syntax error
d. Garbage collection
46. Which of the following is the correct syntax for array initialization in C?
a. int a = {3, 4, 5}
b. int a[ ] = new int (3, 4, 5)
c. int a[3] = {3, 4, 5}
d. int a(3) = {3, 4, 5}
47. Which one of the following is a loop construction that will always be executed one?
a. Do while
b. For
c. While
d. Switch 
48. A web server delivers web pages on the request of client using___
a. FTP
49. On which model is www based upon?
a. Client-Server
b. Local Server
d. 3 Tier
d. Peer to peer
50. What are the basic feature of a CMS?
a. Content creation
b. Content storage
c. Workflow management
d. All of the above

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