Nepal Army, Computer Operator 2080/05/18


लोक सेवा आयोग
नेपाली सेना, सैनिक प्राविधिक, सैनिक इन्जिनियरिङ्ग, सूचना प्रविधि, प्रा.अम. कम्प्युटर पदको आन्तरिक तथा खुल्ला प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परिक्षा
पत्रः प्रथम
समयः १ घण्टा                                            à¤ªूर्णाङ्कः ७५
                          विषयः पेशा सम्बन्धी
उत्तरपुस्तिकामा प्रश्नपत्रको  KEY à¤…निवार्य रुपले उल्लेख गर्नुपर्नेछ । उल्लेख नगरेमा उत्तरपुस्तिका रद्द हुनेछ । परिक्षामा  Calculator, mobile à¤ª्रयोग गर्न पाइनेछैन ।
1. The Third Generation Computer was made with__
a. Vacuum tube
b. Discrete components
c. IC
d. Bio chips
2. Which of the following is invalid type of memory?
a. RAM
b. ROM
3. The transistor was introduced in___Generation of computer.
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
4. Which of the following is not purely output device?
a. Screen
b. Printer
c. Speaker
d. Plotter
5. The CPU and memory are located on the__
a. Expansion board
b. Motherboard
c. Storage device
d. Output device
6. The fastest data access is provided using__
a. Cache
b. DRAM's
c. SRAM's
d. Registers
7. The full form of LED is__
a. Light Emergence Diode
b. Light Emergence Data
c. Light Emitting Decoder
d. Light Emitting Diode
8. Process of reading data from permanent store and writing it to computer's main store is called___data.
a. Saving
b. Loading
c. Writing
d. Reading
9. Which of the following memories needs refreshing?
c. ROM
d. All of the above
10. A displaying screen in which text is presented in one color and background is of any other color is called___screen.
a. Monochrome
b. High resolution
c. Low resolution
d. Medium resolution
11. Operating system means__
a. A set of program which control computer working
b. The way a computer operator works
c. Conversion of high level language into machine code
d. The way a floppy disk drive operates
12. File system fragmentation occurs when__
a. Used space is not contiguous
b. Unused space or single file are not contiguous
c. There is lot of unused space in disk
d. Multiple files are non-contiguous
13. Which of the following is not process state?
a. New state
b. Running state
c. Ready state
d. Finished state
14. ___command is used to create a file.
a. Copy con
b. Copy com
c. Create file
d. Dir
15. The operating system manages__
a. Memory
b. Processes
c. Disk and I/O devices
d. All of the above
16. Which DOS command allows you to compress existing disks and to create new compressed volume?
17. __is not an application software.
a. Word processing
b. Windows
c. Excel 
d. Photoshop
18. Which function key needs to be press during reboot to enter in Safe Mode of a Windows machine?
a. F1
b. F2
c. F8
d. F9
19. __is the process of collecting all the scattered files and folders.
a. Fragmentation
b. Defragmentation
c. Disk cleanup
d. Disk check
20. Which of the following file name is valid in MS-DOS?
d. All of the above
21. Which key combination do you press to force a page break?
a. Ctrl + Alt
b. Ctrl + Break
c. Ctrl + Enter
d. None of the above
22. The shortcut key for search and replace in MS Word is__
a. Alt + H
b. Ctrl + H
c. Ctrl + R
d. Alt + R
23. The extension of document file is__
b. TXT
d. DOS
24. What is the function of Ctrl + E in MS Word?
a. Exit
b. Edit
c. Center alignment
d. Justify text
25. Which option is not available under tab stop feature in MS Word?
a. Tab stop position
b. Justify
c. Leader
d. Alignment
26. Which file starts MS Word?
a. Winword.exe
b. Word.exe
c. Msword.exe
d. Word2003.exe
27. What is gutter margin?
a. Margin that is added to the left margin when printing
b. Margin that is added to right margin when printing
c. Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing
d. Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing
28. Which of the following is not available in character spacing in MS Word?
a. Normal
b. Reduced
c. Condensed
d. Expanded
29. To change the Normal text into Heading 1, press__
a. Ctrl + Alt + 1
b. Ctrl + Shift + 1
c. Ctrl + Del + 1
d. None of the above
30. If you want to keep track of different editions of a document which feature will you use?
a. Editions
b. Versions
c. Track change
d. All of the above
31. Steps for protecting a sheet by password in MS Excel is__
a. Under the Review Tab, click on Protect Current Sheet
b. Under insert Tab, click on Protect Sheet
c. Under Data Tab, click on Protect Sheet
d. Under the Review Tab, click on Protect Sheet
32. The default extension of spreadsheet workbook is__
33. What will be the result if you type=A1=B1 in cell C1 in MS Excel?
a. Yes or No
b. True or False
c. Value of A1
d. Value of B1
34. A circular reference is__
a. Geometric modeling tool
b. A cell that points to a drawing object
c. A formula that either directly or indirectly depends on itself
d. Always erroneous
35. Shortcut key__is used to type multiple line of text in same cell.
a. Alt + Enter
b. Alt + Ctrl + Enter
c. Alt + Shift + Enter
d. None of the above
36. When all the numbers between 0 and 100 in a range should be displayed in red color, do the following
a. Use=if( ) function to format the required numbers red
b. Apply Conditional Formatting command on Format Menu
c. Select the ells that contains number between 0 and 100 then click red color on Text Color Tool
d. All of the above
37. Which of the following is not a logical function in Excel?
a. AND
b. NOT
d. OR
38. Which function key is used to go to a specified in the worksheet?
a. F12
b. F11
c. F6
d. F5
39. What does COUNTA( ) function do?
a. Counts cell having alphabets
b. Counts empty cells
c. Counts cells having number
d. Counts non-empty cells
40. Which of the following is not true regarding Conditional Formatting?
a. You can add more than one condition to check
b. You can set condition to look for Bold and apply Italics on them
c. You can apply Font, Border and Pattern formats that meets the specified conditions
d. You can delete any Condition from Conditional Formatting dialog box if it is not required
41. The Handout Master consists of placeholder for all of these except the__
a. Title
b. Slide number
c. Header
d. Footer
42. ___function key displays the save as dialog box in presentation application.
a. F6
b. F8
c. F10
d. F12
43. What is the shortcut key to insert a new slide in MS PowerPoint?
a. Alt + N
b. Alt + M
c. Ctrl + M
d. Ctrl + N
44. In a slide, what are the steps to insert a hyperlink?
a. Press Ctrl + K
b. Go to insert->Hyperlink
c. Hyperlinks cannot be inserted in slides
d. Both a and b
45. To add a header or footer to your handout you can use the___master.
a. Title
b. Slide
c. Handout
d. All of the above
46. Objects on the slide that hold text are called___
a. Placeholders
b. Object holders
c. Auto layouts
d. Text holders
47. What is the easiest way to place same graphic in same place in all slides?
a. Place graphic in Slide Master
b. Place graphic in Notes Master
c. Place graphic in Handout Master
d. Place graphic manually in all slide
48. Presentation design regulates the formatting and layout for the slides and are commonly called___
a. Design plates
b. Templates
c. Placeholders
d. Blueprints
49. Which of the following menu in PowerPoint includes the Picture, Text Box, Shapes, Clip Art?
a. File
b. Insert
c. Design
d. None of the above
50. The arrangement of elements such as title and subtitle text pictures, tables in a PowerPoint is called___
a. Presentation
b. Placeholder
c. Design
d. Layout
51. ___is the default file extension of MS Access.
a. .mdb
b. .mdbx
c. .accdb
d. .accdbx
52. In MS Access, how can we create relationship between two tables in the GUI?
a. Drag the foreign key of a table into the primary key of another table
b. Drag any filed from parent table and drop on child table
c. Drag the primary key of a table into foreign key of another table
d. None of the above
53. How can you link a table with another so that a field in current table will display value in drop down box from another table while entering data?
a. Query Wizard
b. Look up Wizard
c. From Wizard
d. Report Wizard
54. ___is the default field size of auto number.
a. Short Integer
b. Long Integer
c. Float
d. Double
55. An entity set that does not have a sufficient attributes to form a primary key is__
a. Strong entity set
b. Variant set
c. Weak entity set
d. Variable set
56. Cascade delete option__
a. is used to delete all the records of all tables in database
b. will repeat the recent delete operation to all the records of current table
c. is available in Edit relationship dialog box which makes sure that all the related records will be deleted automatically when the records from parent table is deleted
d. None of the above
57. In which of the following is data stored in the database management system?
a. Image
b. Text
c. Graph
d. Table
58. How can you change "Hansen" to "Nilsen" in the "LastName" column in the Persons table?
a. UPDATE Persons SET LastName='Hansen' INTO LastName='Nilsen'
b. MODIFY Persons SET LastName='Nilsen' WHERE LastName='Hansen'
c. MODIFY Persons SET LastName='Hansen' INTO LastName='Nilsen'
d. UPDATE Persons SET LastName='Nilsen' WHERE LastName='Hansen'
59. Which of the following is used to set a primary key for a table in Microsoft Access?
a. Field Properties
b. Table Properties
c. Form Properties
d. Report Properties
60. Microsoft Access is a__
d. Network database model
61. Which of the following device assign IP address to device connected to a network the uses TCP/IP?
a. DHCP Server
b. NIC
c. Gateway
d. DNS Server
62. The physical layer of the OSI Reference Model is concerned with___delivery.
a. Application to application
b. Process to process
c. Bit-by-bit
d. Port to port
63. Internet is a network of___
a. Network
b. Networks
c. Computer
d. Computers
64. How many bits does an IPv4 address have?
a. 32
b. 64
c. 128
d. 256
65. A list of protocol used by a system, one protocol per layer is called protocol___
a. Architecture
b. Stack
c. Suite
d. System
66. HTTP stands for__
a. Hyper Test Transfer Protocol
b. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
c. Hyper Text Transmission Protocol
d. Hyper Transfer Transmission Protocol
67. Which of the following is a correct format of Email address?
a. name@website@info
68. How many types of coaxial cable are there?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 5
69. Which of the following network has the highest transmission speed?
a. LAN
b. MAN
c. WAN
d. Both a and c
70. The topology with highest reliability is___topology.
a. Bus
b. Star
c. Ring
d. Mesh
71. Choose the correct HTML tag to left-align the content of a cell.
a. <tdleft>
b. <td leftalign>
c. <valign="left">
d. <td align="left">
72. Which tag inserts a line horizontally on your web page?
a. <hr>
b. <line>
c. <line direction="horizontal">
d. <tr>
73. __value displays red color of the text in a website.
a. FF0000
b. 00FF00
c. 0000FF
d. None of the above
74. How do you create an unordered list(a list with the list items in bullets) in HTML?
a. <ol>
b. <ul>
c. <li>
d. <i>
75. Which of the following is an attribute of <Table> tag?
a. SRC

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