Koshi Province, Asst. Computer Operator 2080/02/20


प्रदेश लोक सेवा आयोग
कोशी प्रदेश, विराटनगर, नेपाल
स्थानीय सरकारी सेवा अन्र्तगत प्राविधिक तर्फ विविध सेवा, सहायकस्तर चौथो तह, सहायक कम्प्युटर अपरेटर पदको आन्तरिक तथा खुल्ला प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परिक्षा

KEY: [B]                                      मितिः २०८०/०२/२०
समयः ४५ मिनेट                            पूर्णाङ्कः १००
                    विषयः सेवा सम्बन्धी
उत्तरपुस्तिकामा प्रश्नपत्रको KEY अनिवार्य रुपले उल्लेख गर्नुपर्नेछ । KEY उल्लेख नगरेमा उत्तरपुस्तिका रद्द हुनेछ । परिक्षामा मोबाइल, क्यालकुलेटर लगायतका विद्युतीय उपकरणहरु प्रयोग गर्न पाइनेछैन ।

वस्तुगत बहुउत्तर प्रश्नहरु(५०x२ अङ्क)
1. Which of the following is not a type of virus?
a. Boot sector
b. Polymorphic
c. Multipartile
d. Trojans
2. Which is the connector of coaxial cable?
a. RJ45
b. DIX
c. BNC
d. None of the above
3. FAT stands for__
a. File Accommodation Table
b. File Access Tape
c. File Allocation Table
d. File Activity Table
4. If you need to duplicate the entire disk, which command will you use?
a. Copy
b. Diskcopy
c. Chkdsk
d. Format
5. Which pair of command does not perform the same function?
6. Which of the following is not an executable file extension in windows operating system?
a. .exe
b. .bat
c. .apk
d. .msi
7. What is the shortcut key for manual line break?
a. Ctrl + Enter
b. Alt + Enter
c. Shift + Enter
d. Space + Enter
8. The shortcut key Ctrl + Z is used for__
a. Save the file with changes
b. Redo
c. Undo
d. Close word
9. Which of the following can change physical structure of the document__
a. Print
b. Formatting
c. Approach
d. Debug
10. Which file is responsible to start MS Word?
a. Winword.exe
b. Win.exe
c. Word.exe
d. Wordwin.exe
11. What is the function of Ctrl + E?
a. Exit application
b. Align center
c. Select all
d. Clear all
12. In MS Word you can convert the document's file format by applying the command__
a. Save
b. Save as
c. Convert
d. Permission
13. Which enables us to send the same letter to different persons?
a. Macros
b. Template
c. Mail merge
d. None of the above
14. Which feature helps you to insert the content of the clipboard as text without any formatting?
a. Paste special
b. Format painter
c. Page setup
d. Styles
15. Ctrl + H shortcut key is use for__
a. Font
b. Page number
c. Replace
d. Hyperlink
16. The auto complete feature__
a. Presents a tip box with contents you can insert by pressing the enter key
b. Checks the style of the documents
c. Checks the readability of the document
d. Checks the spelling in the document
17. A function inside another function is called a__function.
a. Nested
b. Round
c. Sum
d. Text
18. Which of the following is concatenating operator?
a. Apostrophe( ' )
b. Exclamation( ! )
c. Ampersand( & )
d. Hash( # )
19. Which is an example of function?
a. =Add(A1:A2)
b. =A2+A2
c. =Sum(A1:A2)
d. A1+A2
20. Which of the following is not the correct method of editing the cell content?
a. Press the Alt key
b. Press the F2 key
c. Click the formula bar
d. Double click the cell
21. To copy cell content using drag and drop press the__
a. End key
b. Shift key
c. Ctrl key
d. Esc key
22. The__feature of MS Excel quickly complete a series of data.
a. Auto complete
b. Auto fill
c. File handle
d. Sorting
23. When applying conditional formatting we can check condition against__
a. Cell value
b. Formula
c. Formatting
d. All of the above
24. The cell reference M$4 is a__
a. Relative cell reference
b. Absolute cell reference
c. Mixed cell reference
d. Both a and b
25. Which would you choose the create a bar diagram?
a. Edit, chart
b. Insert, chart
c. Tools, chart
d. Format, chart
26. From the information below, find the output of = MIN(A2:C2)
                X      A        B        C        D
                1      5        5         7        8
                2      8        7         4        7
                3      5        5         8        7
                4      1        8         5        2
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
27. The task of arranging data in order is called__
a. Searching
b. Sorting
c. Ordering
d. Shorting
28. What is the full form of DBMS?
a. Data of Binary Management System
b. Database Management Service
c. Database Management System
d. Data Backup Management Sytem
29. A huge collection of information or data accumulated from different sources is known as__
a. Data management
b. Data mining
c. Data warehouse
d. Both b and c
30. In which of the following formats data is stored in the DBMS?
a. Image
b. Text
c. Table
d. Graph
31. In a database table, the category of information is called__
a. Tuple
b. Field
c. Record
d. All of the above
32. Primary key field of the table included in another table is called__
a. Surrogate key
b. Compound key
c. Foreign key
d. Composite key
33. What PowerPoint feature will you use to apply motion effects to different object of a slide?
a. Slide transition
b. Slide design
c. Animation objects
d. Animation scheme
34. What is the shortcut key for slide show?
a. Ctrl + S
b. F11
c. Ctrl + H
d. F5
35. In order to edit a chart, you can__
a. Triple click the chart object
b. Click and drag the chart object
c. Double click the chart object
d. Click chart object
36. The handout master contains placeholders for all of the following except__
a. Slide number
b. Title
c. Footer
d. Header
37. Zoom basic allows free meetings with more than two participant's with__time limit.
a. 20 mins
b. 30 mins
c. 40 mins
d. 50 mins
38. One of the goals of ICT Policy of Nepal is__
a. At least 70% of the population will have digital literacy skills by the end of 2020
b. At least 75% of the population will have digital literacy skills by the end of 2020
c. At least 80% of the population will have digital literacy skills by the end of 2020
d. At least 82% of the population will have digital literacy skills by the end of 2020
39. नेपालको संविधानको धारा १६ अनुसार प्रत्येक व्यक्तिलाई_____बाँच्न पाउने हक हुनेछ ।
a. स्वतन्त्रतापूर्वक
b. सम्मानपूर्वक
c. वैयक्तिक स्वतन्त्रतापूर्वक
d. माथिका सबै
40. नेपालको संविधानको कुन अनुसूचीमा संघ र प्रदेशको साझा अधिकारको सूची उल्लेख गरिएको छ ?
a. अनुसूची ७
b. अनुसूची ८
c. अनुसूची ५
d. अनुसूची ९
41. Which computer memory is used for storing program and data currently being processed by the CPU?
a. Mass memory
b. Internal memory
c. Non-volatile memory
42. Where is firmware stored?
a. RAM
b. Cache
c. ROM
d. Hard disk
43. What is not the extension file of MS Office?
a. .xls
b. .doc
c. .jpeg
d. .pptx
44. A device which can be connected to a network without using cable is called__
a. Distributed device
b. Centralized device
c. Open-source device
d. Wireless device
45. __is used as a programming language in first generation computers.
d. Machine language
46. The second generation computer was based on__
a. Vacuum tube
b. Silicon chips
c. Transistors
d. Integrated circuit
47. Which of the following is not an output device?
a. Speaker
b. Monitor
c. Digitizer
d. Plotter
48. Which of is the correct abbreviation of COMPUTER?
a. Commonly Occupied Machine Purposely Used in Technical and Education Research
b. Commonly Operating Machined Purposely Used in Technical and Environment Research
c. Commonly Oriented Machines Purposely Used in Technical and Education Research
d. Commonly Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Education Research
49. Which of the following is designed to control the operation of a computer?
a. User
b. Application software
c. System software
d. Utility software
50. The technology used in optical disks is__
a. Reflective
b. Laser beam
c. Refractive
d. Diffraction

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