Sudurpaschim Province, Computer Operator 2080/03/23


प्रदेश लोक सेवा आयोग
सुदूरपश्चिम प्रदेश
प्रदेश निजामति सेवा तथा स्थानीय सरकारी सेवा अन्र्तगत विविध सेवा, पाँचौ तह, कम्प्युटर अपरेटर पदको प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परिक्षा
परिक्षा मितिः २०८०/०३/२३
समयः ४५ मिनेट                            पूर्णाङ्कः १००
                    विषयः सेवा सम्बन्धी                   
KEY: [A]

वस्तुगत बहुबैकल्पिक(५०x२ अङ्क)
उत्तरपुस्तिकामा प्रश्नपत्रको KEY अनिवार्य रुपले उल्लेख गर्नुपर्नेछ । उल्लेख नगरेमा उत्तरपुस्तिका रद्ध हुनेछ । साथै परिक्षामा Calculator, Mobile जस्ता विद्युतीय उपकरणहरु प्रयोग गर्न पाईने छैन् ।

1. What shall be the term of "Office of member of Appellate Tribunal" according to Electronic Transaction Act, 2063?
a. 1 year
b. 2 year
c. 5 year
d. 10 year
2. The smallest message that can be read and write on twitter are known as:
a. Twitter
b. Tweezers
c. Tweets
d. Twit this
3. Which of the following is not a social media platform?
a. Facebook
b. Twitter
c. Instagram
d. Google
4. वर्तमान सूचना तथा सञ्चार प्रविधि नीति कुन सालमा लागु भएको थियो ?
a. 2071
b. 2072
c. 2070
d. 2074
5. The tag that creates the command button control is:
a. <FORM>
c. <INPUT>
d. <HTML>
6. Pick an example of a valid IP address:
d. 1.888.234.578
7. Which tag is used to create a drop down in HTML?
a. <input>
b. <select>
c. <text>
d. <text are>
8. If you want an organization to go to the appear on every slide, you should included it on__
a. Slide Master
b. Design Master
c. Design Template
d. None of the above
9. Which PowerPoint view displays each slide of the presentation as thumbnail and is useful for rearranging slides?
a. Slide Master
b. Slide Show
c. Slide Sorter
d. Notes Page
10. Which shortcut key inserts a new slide in current presentation?
a. Ctrl + N
b. Ctrl + M
c. Ctrl + S
d. All of the above
11. A form contains
a. Single Table
b. Single table or multiple tables
c. Table
d. Field
12. Which is the most common type of query:
a. Parameter query
b. Select query
c. Action query
d. Crosstab query
13. In DBMS, the size of Yes/No field is always?
a. 1 Bit
b. 1 Byte
c. 1 Character
d. 1 GB
14. Which of the following is not MS Access database object?
a. Table
b. Chart
c. Form
d. Report
15. It is an association established between two tables with common field is?
a. Line
b. Relationship
c. Primary key
d. Records
16. In MS Excel, the correct formula to add three cells A1, B1 & C1 is
a. =Sum(A1,B1,C1)
b. =Sum(A1:C1)
c. =A1+B1+C1
d. All of the above
17. The cell referencing that does not get changed when copied is:
a. Absolute cell addressing
b. Comparative cell referencing
c. Relative cell referencing
d. None of the above
18. In MS Excel, a set of commands describing a series of task to automate those task is called:
a. Linkage
b. Function
c. Micro
d. Macro
19. What is the shortcut key used to check and debug Excel formula?
a. F9
b. F8
c. F10
d. F2
20. Which feature of Excel summarizes large volume of data in the tabular form?
a. Pivot table
b. Subtotal
c. Goal seek
d. Data table
21. MS Excel is based on__Operating system.
a. OS/2
b. Windows
d. DOS
22. To insert a column between column D and E, you should__
a. Select column D and insert
b. Select column E and insert
c. Select column both D and E insert
d. None of the above
23. In MS Excel, which of the following option is not available in the page setup dialog box?
a. Page break preview
b. Page orientation
c. Margin
d. Header and footer
24. Which one is the easiest way to insert default chart in MS Excel:
a. Select data ->chart wizard
b. Insert->chart from menu
c. Select data and press F11
d. None of the above
25. In MS Excel, the symbol used for absolute cell reference is__
a. #
b. $
c. %
d. =
26. Which file starts MS Word?
a. Word2003.exe
b. Word.exe
c. Winword.exe
d. MsWord.exe
27. What is default file extension of MS Word files?
a. .xls
b. .ppt
c. .doc
d. .jpg
28. In MS Word, status bar is located at__
a. Top side of toolbar
b. Bottom of the screen
c. Right side of the menu bar
d. None of the above
29. Select all the text in MS Word document by:
a. Ctrl + S
b. Ctrl + 1
c. Ctrl + A
d. Ctrl + V
30. Which tab of word provide watermark in a document?
a. Home
b. Design
c. Insert
d. Drawing
31. In MS Word, which feature is used to create a newspaper like document:
a. Tables
b. Bullets
c. Columns
d. Numbering
32. A word processor would be best to:
a. Paint a picture
b. Workout income & expenses
c. Draw a diagram
d. Type a story
33. Which of the following command is in Home tab?
a. Font
b. Paragraph
c. Style
d. All of the above
34. In MS Word, Auto correct and auto text are___tools?
a. Designing
b. Editing
c. Styling
d. Copying
35. View the document as it would look as a web page is:
a. Outline
b. Print layout
c. Full screen reading
d. Web layout
36. Concurrent processes are processes that:
a. Do not overlap in time
b. Are executed by a process at the same time
c. Overlap in time
d. None of the above
37. What is the command to create a new directory in MS DOS.
a. MD
b. CD
c. RD
d. MCD
38. Shortcut key to shutting down Windows Operating System is:
a. Alt + F4
b. Shift + F1
c. Ctrl + Alt + Del
d. Shift + F10
39. Which of the following is not an Operating System?
d. CP/M
40. Which file system is specially designed to provide more security?
a. FAT 16
b. FAT 32
d. All of the above
41. In which generation transistor is used?
a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 3rd
d. 4th
42. The decimal equivalent of binary(101) is:
a. 13
b. 10
c. 11
d. 14
43. In Computer system, which of the following is a programming language?
a. MS Word
b. Netscape
c. Google
44. Cache memory___
a. Stores data permanently
b. Holds last time visited website links
c. Helps to store more data in hard disk
d. Placed between two main memory and micro processor
45. Which one of the following extends a private network across public network?
a. Local Area Network
b. Virtual Private Network
c. Enterprises Private Network
d. Storage Area Network
46. Multimedia consist of:
a. Animation
b. Text
c. Voice
d. All of the above
47. The individual dots that form the image on a monitor are called:
a. Picas
b. Speaks
c. Pixels
d. Particles
48. The ALU of a computer normally contains a number of high speed storage element called:
a. Semiconductor memory
b. Registers
c. Hard disk
d. Magnetic disk
49. In the network of 25 computer, which topology requires large amount of cables?
a. Star
b. Ring
c. Mesh
d. Bus
50. WAN stands for:
a. Wap Area Network
b. Wide Area Network
c. Wide Array Net
d. Wireless Area Network

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